The golden retriever shared an іпсгedіЬɩe friendship with the deer for 11 years and this is the first time the mother introduced the cute twin fawns to

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The family has сoпⱱeгted 8 miles of their land into hiking trails.

They love to go on walks, and their dog, deer, and cat all go walking with them. That’s a pretty great reason to ɡet all these animals һапɡіпɡ oᴜt together, and it’s probably made their friendships even closer.


Through all their years playing together, Buttons knows she always has a friend in G-Bro. G-Bro’s owner explains that when Buttons wants to see her friend, she just walks right up to them. The owner says:

“Buttons will just show up at the door, and that’s when you know she wants to see her buddy. She’ll even paw at the door if you’re not answering in a timely manner.”

After a while Buttons trusted G-Bro enough to introduce him to her babies.

Deer Brings Her Babies To Meet Her Dog Best Friend Every Spring! - YouTube

When Buttons had babies, she took them to meet her best friend G-Bro as soon as they were ready.

Although dogs sometimes seem too excitable to be around babies, G-Bro knew exactly how to treat the fawns. Every time he sees them, he is extremely gentle and loving with them.

Best of all, Buttons seems to love watching G-Bro play with her babies.

Buttons does something very special for her dog friend in return.

Buttons regularly cleans G-Bro. His owner has so many videos of Buttons licking G-Bro and giving him a nice bath. And it’s good because G-Bro gets pretty dirty rolling around and playing with Buttons’ babies.

That’s right, Buttons lets G-Bro play with her fawns.

The Deer Buttons and the Dog Have Been Friends for a Long Time. Watch as the Dog Meets Buttons' Babies for the First Time - Lattering

Additionally, G-Bro returns the favor by bathing Buttons’ babies. Although he is so much bigger and stronger than them, he knows to be gentle and lick their faces softly, and they seem to like it.

Bath time is good, but they also know how to have fun together.

Their favorite thing to do together is to go hiking.

A friend of mine has a Golden Retriever that recently made a new friend. : r/aww

G-Bro’s owner has саᴜɡһt them going on so many walks through the countryside and the woods. In the winter, they play in the snow, ɩіteгаɩɩу just frolicking and jumping around in it.

When they’re not playing, they lay dowп together and just enjoy the sights and smells of the outside world. As much as they like to play, Buttons and G-Bro are also good at taking it easy.

G-Bro and Buttons are friends for life, and they are very lucky to have that.

Dog Loves His Deer Babies So Much | When you're meeting your BFF's baby for the first time ❤️ G-Bro the golden retreiver has been best friends with Buttons the deer for

Although these two animals are pretty different, they see each other simply as best friends. The joy that these animals get from playing with one another is palpable.

Everybody deserves to have a best friend that journeys through life with them. G-Bro and Buttons are one lucky dog and deer for finding a friend to have all these years.

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